Rolling Stone Interview February 17, 1983
Michael Jackson: Life In The Magical Kingdom by Gerri Hirshey
"HI, MICHAEL." A few such girlish messages are scratched into the paint of a
somber security sign on the steel driveway gate at his house. There is a fence, dogs
and guards, but girls still will loiter outside, in cars and in bushes.
As Michael conducts the tour of the two-story Tudor-style house, it's clear that the
room he will sleep in is almost monkish compared to those he has had designed for
his pleasures and the ones reserved for his sisters Janet and LaToya, who pored over
every detail of their wallpapered suites. "Girls are fussy," he explains, stepping over a
power saw in his bedroom. "I just don't care. I wanted room to dance and have my
The rooms Michael inspects most carefully are those marked for recreation. "I'm
putting all this stuff in," he says, "so I will never have to leave and go out there." The
"stuff" includes a screening room with two professional projectors and a giant
speaker. And then an exercise room, one for videogames and another with a giantscreen
video system. In addition, there is a huge chamber off the backyard patio,
which has been designated the Pirate Room. It will be not so much decorated as
populated. More dummies. But this set will talk back. Michael has been consulting
with a Disney technician, the very man who designed the Audio-Animatronics figures
for the Disneyland ride Pirates of the Caribbean. If all goes well, he will install
several scowling, scabbard-waving buccaneers, wenches and sea dogs right here.
"There won't be any rides," Michael says. "But there will be a pirate shootout,
cannons guns. They'll just scream at one another and I'll have the lights, sounds,
Pirates is one of his favorite rides in the Magic Kingdom. And Disneyland is one of
the few public spots even he cannot stay away from. Sometimes Michael stops at a
magic booth and buys one of those Groucho Masks -- fake glasses with nose attached.
But it's better when the staff leads him through back doors and tunnels. It's murder to
cross the Court of Sleeping Beauty's Castle in daylight. "I tried to go just last night,
but it was closed," he says with some disbelief. "So was Knott's Berry Farm."
If you live in the funhouse, you usually don't have to worry about such things.
Michael has sung it himself:
Life ain't so bad at all, if you live it off the wall.
WHEN WE ARRIVE BACK AT THE condo, Michael finds that a test pressing of
"The Girl is Mine" has been delivered. This is business. He must check it before
release, he explains, as he heads for a listen on the stereo in the den. Before the record
is finished, he is puching at phone buttons. In between calls to accountants and
managers, he says that he makes all his own decisions, right down to the last sequin
on his stage suits -- the only clothes he cares about. He says he can be a merciless
interviewer when it comes to choosing management, musicians and concert
promoters. He assesses their performances with the rigor of an investigative reporter,
questioning his brothers, fellow artists and even reporters for observations. Though he
truly believes his talent comes from God, he is acutely aware of its value on the open
market. He is never pushy or overbearing, but he does appreciate respect. Do not ask
him, for insurance, how long he has been with a particular show-business firm. "Ask
me," he corrects, "how long they've been with me."
Those who have worked with him do not doubt his capability. Even those to whom he
is a star child. "He's in full control," says Spielberg. "Sometimes he appears to other
people to be sort of wavering on the fringes of twilight, but there is great conscious
forethought behind everything he does. He's very smart about his career and the
choices he makes. I think he is definitely a man of two personalities."
When Michael was looking for a producer for his solo album, Quincy Jones was
happy to hear from him. Jones knew Michael was in a special class. A few things
tipped him off, he says. First there was the Academy Awards ceremony at which
Jones watched twelve-year-old Michael deliver a trash-flick love song to a fascist
rodent ("Ben") with astounding poise. Years later, while working with him on The
Wiz soundtrack, Jones says, "I saw another side. Watching him in the context of being
an actor, I saw a lot of things about him as a singer that rang a lot of bells. I saw a
depth that was never apparent, and a commitment. I saw that Michael was growing
In the studio, Jones found that his professionalism had matured. In fact, Michael's
nose for things is so by-your-leave funky that Jones started calling him Smelly.
Fortunately, when corporate rumblings feared the partnership too unlikely to work,
Smelly hung tough and cocked an ear inward to his own special rhythms.
Indeed, Off the Wall's most memorable cuts are the Jackson-penned dance tunes.
"Working Day and Night" with all its breathy asides and deft punctuation, could only have been
written by a dancer. "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," the album's biggest-selling
single, bops along with that same appealing give-and-go between restraint and
The song begins with Michael talking in a low mumble over a taut, singlestring
bass bomp:
"You know, I was wonderin' know the force, it's got a lot of power, make me
feel like a...make me feel like...."
Ooooooh. Fraidy cat breaks into disco monster, with onrushing strings and a sexy,
cathartic squeal. The introduction is ten seconds of perfect pop tension. Dance boogie
is the welcome release. The arrangement -- high, gusting strings and vocals over a
thudding, in-the-pocket rhythm -- is Michael's signature. Smelly, the funky sprite.
It works. Such a creature as Michael is the perfect pop hybrid for Eighties. The
fanzine set is not scared off by raunchy lyrics and chest hair. But the R-rated uptown
dance crowd can bump and slide right along the greasy tracks.
Thriller is eclectic enough to include African chants and some ripping macho-rock guitar work by Eddie
Van Halen. It is now being called pop-soul by those into marketing categories.
Michael says he doesn't care what anybody wants to call it. Just how it all came about
is still a mystery to him--as is the creative process itself.
"I wake up from dreams and go, 'Wow, put this down on paper,'" he says. "The whole
thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face.
And you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry, I just didn't write this. It's there already.' That's
why i hate to take credit for the songs I've written. I feel that somewhere, someplace,
it's been done and I'm just a courier bringing it into the world. I really believe that. I
love what I do. I'm happy at what I do. It's escapism."
Again, that word. But Michael is right. There is no better definition for good, wellmeaning,
American pop. Few understand this better than Diana Ross, that Tamla teen
turned latter-day pop diva. Her closeness to Michael began when she met the
"No, I didn't discover them," she says, countering the myth. Motown head Berry
Gordy had already found them; she simply introduced them on her 1971 television
special. "There was an identification between Michael and I," she says. "I was older,
he kind of idolized me, and he wanted to sing like me."
She has been pleased to watch Michael become his own person. Still, she wishes he
would step out even more. She says she had to be firm and force him to stay in his
role as producer on "Muscles." He wanted them to do it jointly. She insisted he go it
"He spends a lot of time, too much time, by himself. I try to get him out. I rented a
boat and took my children and Michael on a cruise. Michael has a lot of people
around him, but he's very afraid. I don't know why. I think it came from the early
Michael's show-business friends, many of them women not thought of as especially
motherly, do go to great lengths to push and prod him into the world, and to keep him
comfortable. When he's in Manhattan, Ross urges him to go to the theater and the
clubs, and counteroffers with quiet weekends at her Connecticut home. In notes and
phone calls, Katharine Hepburn has been encouraging about his acting.
Michael has recorded much of this counsel in notebooks and on tape. Visiting Jane
Fonda -- whom he's known since they met at a Hollywood party a few years ago--on
the New Hampshire set of On Golden Pond proved to be an intensive crash course. In
a mirror version of his scenes with the stepgrandson in the movie, Henry fonda took
his daughter's rockstar friend out on the lake and showed him how to fish. They sat on
a jetty for hours, talking trout and theater. The night Fonda died, Michael spent the
evening with Fonda's widow, Shirlee, and his children Jane and Peter. He says they
sat around, laughing and crying and watching the news reports. The ease with which
Michael was welcomed into her family did not surprise Jane Fonda. Michael and her
father got on naturally, she says, because they were so much alike.
"Dad was also painfully self-concious and shy in life," she says, "and he really only
felt comfortable when he was behind the mask of a character. He could liberate
himself when he was being someone else. That's a lot like Michael.
"In some ways," she continues, "Michael reminds me of the walking wounded. He's
an extremely fragile person. I think that just getting on with life, making contact with
people, is hard enough, much less to be worried about whither goest the world.
"I remember driving with him one day, and I said, 'God, Michael, I wish I could find a
movie I could produce for you.' And suddenly I knew. I said, 'I know what you've got
to do. It's Peter Pan.' Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, 'Why did you say that?'
with this ferocity. I said, 'I realize you're Peter Pan.' And he started to cry and said,
'You know, all over the walls of my room are pictures of Peter Pan. I've read
eerything that [author J.M.] Barrie wrote. I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy
of neven-never land.'"
Hearing that Francis Coppola may be doing a film version, Fonda sent word to him
that he must talk to Michael Jackson. "Oh, I can see him," she says, "leading lost
children into a world of fantasy and magic."
In the book, that fantasy world lies "second to the right star, then straight on til
morning" -- no less strange a route, Fonda notes, than Michael's own journey from
"From Gary," she says, "straight on to Barrie."
ALL CHILDREN, EXCEPT ONE, grow up. This is the first line of Michael's favorite
book, and if you ask Katherine Jackson if she finds this similar to what happened in
her own brood of nine, she will laugh and say, oh yes, her fifth son is the one.
Five children -- Maureen, Tito, Jackie, Jermaine and Marlon -- are married and have
families. LaToya is a very independent young woman. At thirteen, Janet was starring
as a self-possessed ghetto twerp on the sitcom Good Times. Now she has a hit single
of her own, "Young Love," and appears in the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes. Youngest
brother Randy is already living on his own at twenty. Michael is sure he'd just die if
he tried that.
"LaToya once told me she thinks that I over protected them all," Mrs. Jackson says.
"But under the circumstances, I truly don't think so."
Marriage had brought her from east Indiana, just outside Chicago, to the chilly
industrial town of Gary. A growing family had forced Joe Jackson to disband the
Falcons, and R & B group he had formed with his two brothers. Playing Chuck Berry
and Fats Domino covers in local clubs was as far as they got. The guitar went to the
steel mills as a crane operator. The family budget didn t have a lot of slack for toys,
but there was an old saxophone, a tambourine, some bongos and a homey patchwork
of songs from Katherine's childhood. What she could remember, she taught her
children. "It was just plain stuff," she says, "like 'Cotton Fields' and 'You Are My
The breadth of the harmony grew with the family. Jackie, Jermaine and Tito started
singing together, with Tito on guitar and Jermaine on bass. Then Marlon climbed
aboard. Baby Michael, who liked to flail on the bongos, surprised his mother one day
when she heard him imitating Jermaine's lead vocals in his clear toddler's falsetto. "I
think we have another lead singer," she told her husband. The brothers agreed.
"He was so energetic that at five years old, he was like a leader," says Jackie, at thirtyone
the oldest brother. "We saw that. So we said, 'Hey Michael, you be the lead guy.'
The audience ate it up. He was into those James Brown things at the time, you know.
The speed was the thing. He would see somebody do something, and he could do it
right away."
"It was sort of frightening," his mother says. "He was so young. He didn't
go out and play much. So if you want me to tell you the truth, I don't know where he got it. He
just knew."
By the age of seven, Michael was a dance monster, working out the choreography for
the whole group. Local gigs were giving way to opening slots at larger halls in distant
cities. Joe Jackson spent weekends and evenings as chauffeur, road manager, agent
and coach. He taught Michael how to work a stage and handle a mike. Michael does
not remember his father making it fun; the boys always knew it was work. Rules were
strict. Grades had to be kept up, even with five shows a night, or the offender would
be yanked off the road. When Motown called, Joe took the boys to Detroit, and
Katherine stayed in Gary with the rest of the children. She says she never really
worried about her children until she went to a show and heard the screams from the
audience. "Every time I'd go to a concert I'd worry, because sometimes the girls
would get onstage and I'd have top watch them tearing at Michael. He was so small,
and they were so big."
There have been some serious incidents, too, one so chilling and bizarre it landed a
young woman in a mental institution. So Katherine Jackson has made it her business
to talk to some of these wild, persistent girls. What is so very crazy, she says, is that
they do it in the name of love. "There are so many," she says. "You have no idea
what's really on their minds. That's why it's going to be so hard for my son to get a
Michael is aware of, if not resign
ed to, the impossibility of that task. He might like to
have children in the future, but says he would probably adopt them. For now, he has
only to walk into one of his brother's homes and he's instantly covered with nephews.
He says he gets along with children better than adults, anyhow: "They don't wear
Kids and animals can nose their way into Michael's most private reserves. It's the
showbiz spook show that makes his own growing up so public and hard. He has
borne, with patience and good humor, the standard rumors of sex-change operations
and paternity accusations from women he has never seen. But clearly they have
affected him. "Billie Jean," on Thriller, is a vehement denial of paternity ("the kid is
not my son"). In reality there has been no special one. Michael says that he is not in a
hurry to jump into any romantic liaison.
"It's like what I told you about finding friends," he says. "With that, it's even harder.
With so many girls around, how am I ever gonna know?"
"JUST HERE TO SEE A FRIEND." Michael is politely trying to sidestep an
inquiring young woman decked out with the latest video equipment. She blocks the
corridor leading to the warren of dressing rooms beneath the L.A. Forum.
"Can i tell my viewers that Michael Jackson is a Queen fan?"
"I'm a Freddie Mercury fan," he says, slipping past her into a long room crowded with
Queen band members, wives, roadies and friends. A burly man with the look of a
lineback is putting lead singer Freddie Mercury through a set of stretching exercises
that will propel his road-weary muscles through the final show of the group's recent
U.S. tour. The band is merry. Michael is shy, standing quietly at the door until Freddie
spots him and leaps up to gather him in a hug.
Freddie invited Michael. He has been calling all week, mainly about the possibility of
their working together. They've decided to try it on the Jacksons' upcoming album.
Though they are hardly alike -- Freddie celebrated a recent birthday by hanging naked
from a chandelier -- the two have been friendly since Michael listened to the material
Queen had recorded for The Game and insisted that the single had to be "Another One
Bites the Dust."
"Now listens to me, right Freddie?"
"Righto, little brother."
The linebacker beckons. Freddie waves his cigarette at the platters of fruit, fowl and
candy. "You and your friends make yourselves comfortable."
Our escort, a sweet-faced, hamfisted bodyguard, is consulting with security about seat
locations. There had been girls lurking outside the condo when Michael sprinted to
the limousine, girls peering through the tinted glass as the door locks clicked shut.
This was all very puzzling to Michael's guest, who has waiting in the car.
he is a real friend, one of the civilians, so normal as to pass unseen by the jaded eyes
of celebrity watchers. He has never been to a rock concert, nor has he ever seen
Michael perform. He says he hopes to, but mainly, they just hang out together.
Sometimes his younger brother even tags along. Most of the time they just talk "just
regular old stuff," says the friend. For Michael, it is another kind of magic.
At the moment, though, it's show business as usual. Gossip, to be specific. Michael is
questioning a dancer he knows about the recent crises of a fallen superstar. Michael
wants to know what the problem is. The dance mimes his answer, laying a finger
alongside his nose. Michael nods, and translates for his friend: "Drugs. Cocaine."
Michael admits that he seeks out such gossip, and listen again and again as the famous
blurt out their need for escape. "Escapism," he says. "I totally understand."
But addictions are another thing. "I always want to know what makes good
performers fall to pieces," he says. "I alway try to find out. Because I just can't believe
it's the same things that get them time and time again." So far, his own addictions--the
stage, dancing, cartoons--have been free of toxins.
Something's working on Michael now, but it is nothing chemical. He's buzzing like a
bumblebee trapped in a jely jar. It's the room we're in, he explains. So many times,
he's stretched and bounced and whipped up on his vocal chords right here, got crazy
in here, pumping up, shivering like some flighty race horse as he wriggled into his
sequined suit.
"I can't stand this," he fairly yells. "I cannot sit still."
Just before he must be held down for his own good. Randy Jackson rockets into the
room, containing his brother in a bear hug, helping him dissipate some of the energy
with a short bout of wrestling. This is not the same creature who tried to hide behind a
potato chip.
Now Michael is boxing with the bodyguard, asking every minute for the time until the
man mercifully claps a big hand on the shoulder of his charge and says it: "Let's go."
Mercury and company have already begun moving down the narrow hall, and before
anyone can catch him, Michael is drawn into their wake, riding on the low roar of the
crowd outside, leaping up to catch a glimpse of Freddie, who is raising a fist and
about to take the stairs to the stage.
"Ooooh, Freddie is pumped," says Michael. "I envy him now. You don't know how
The last of the band makes the stairs, and the black stage curtain closes. Michael turns
and lets himself be led into the darkness of the arena.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.
― Michael Jackson
“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”
― Michael Jackson
“When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true”
― Michael Jackson
“Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.”
― Michael Jackson
“Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.”
― Michael Jackson
“When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one.”
― Michael Jackson
“We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.”
― Michael Jackson
“People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It's like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song.”
― Michael Jackson
“Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.”
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
― Michael Jackson
“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”
― Michael Jackson
“When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true”
― Michael Jackson
“Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.”
― Michael Jackson
“Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.”
― Michael Jackson
“When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one.”
― Michael Jackson
“We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.”
― Michael Jackson
“People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It's like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song.”
― Michael Jackson
“Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.”
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
“All of us are products of our childhood.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way. ”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“They say that parenting is like dancing. You take one step, your child takes another.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.”
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
“I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed and I embarrass easily.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me.”
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
“To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“And that's what innocence is. It's simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“Each song is a child I nourish and give my love to. But even if you have never written a song, your life is a song. How can it not be?”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“I'm going to search for my star until I find it. It's hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder.”
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
― Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream
“Human knowledge consists not only of libraries of parchment and ink - it is also comprised of the volumes of knowledge that are written on the human heart, chiseled on the human soul, and engraved on the human psyche. ”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“We look high and low for God, but somehow He's not there. So we blame Him and tell ourselves that He must have forgotten us. Or else we decide that He left us long ago, if He was ever around."
"How strange," the little fish said, "to miss what is everywhere."
"Very strange," the old whale agreed. "Doesn't it remind you of fish who say they're thirsty?”
― Michael Jackson, Moonwalk
"How strange," the little fish said, "to miss what is everywhere."
"Very strange," the old whale agreed. "Doesn't it remind you of fish who say they're thirsty?”
― Michael Jackson, Moonwalk
“Look beyond yourself..”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“All the things I've read in my school books about England and the Queen were okay, but my eyes are the greatest book in the world.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There’s a whole new world in books. If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through reading. You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“The Wizard Of Oz" has secrets that are just too much. Or "Peter Pan" – the whole 'lost boys' thing is just incredible. They’re not childlike at all, they’re really, really deep; you can rule your life by them. Or say 'child-like', because children are the most brilliant people of all, that’s why they relate to those stories so well. Fairy-tales are wonderful.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“I wrote a book called ‘Dancing The Dream’. It was more autobiographical than Moonwalk, which I did with Mrs. Onassis. It wasn't full of gossip and scandal and all that trash that people write, so I don’t think people paid much attention to it, but it came from my heart. It was essays, thoughts and things that I've thought about while on tour”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“Please go for your dreams. Whatever your ideals, you can become whatever you want to become.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“There’s a whole psychological reason for those cartoons about good against evil. We have "Superman" and all those other hero people, so that we can go out into life and try to be something. I've got most of Disney’s animated movies on video-tapes, and when we watch them. Oh, I could just eat it, eat it. […] Jimmy Cricket, Pinocchio, Mickey Mouse – these are world-known characters. Some of the greatest political figures have come to the United States to meet them.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“Once at a record store in San Francisco, over a thousand kids showed up. They pushed forward and broke a window. A big piece of glass fell on top of this girl. And the girl's throat was slit. She just got slit. And I remember there was blood everywhere. Oh God, so much blood. And she grabbed her throat and was bleeding and everyone just ignored her. Why? Because I was there and they wanted to grab at me and get my autograph. I wonder whatever happened to that girl.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“In the field I’m in, there is a lot of that and it gets offered to me all the time. People even go as far as to just stick it in your pocket and walk off. Now, if it was a good thing, they wouldn't do that. I mean, would somebody drop something beautiful in my pocket and just walk off? But I don’t want to have anything to do with any of that. I mean, as corny as it sounds, but this is how I really believe: Natural highs are the greatest highs in the world. Who wants to take something and just sit around for the rest of the day after you take it (drugs), and don’t know who you are, what you’re doing, where you are? Take in something that’s gonna inspire you to do greater things in the world.”
― Michael Jackson
“I wake up from dreams and go "Wow, put this down on paper." The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face
― Michael Jackson
“I fast every Sunday. I don’t eat anything. Just juices. […] It flushes out the system, cleans out the colon. I think that’s great. To really make it work, you have to do it properly. That’s the sewer valve of the system. You have to keep that clean like you clean the outside of your body. All these impurities come out of your system because you’re not clean inside. It comes out in pimples or disease or through big pores. Toxins trying to get out of your system. People should try to keep themselves clean.”
― Michael Jackson
― Michael Jackson
“The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.”
--Michael jackson
---Michael Jackson
MUCH TOO SOON Michael Jackson
She was there just sitting at the table
Thinking now that things won't be the same
And would you like to go with me
And she answered "No" to me but
I guess I learned my lesson much to soon
I never thought she'd leave me here forever
But who knows just what the future brings
And would you like to go with me?
And she answered "No" to me but
I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Take away this never ending sorrow
Take this lonely feeling from my soul
If only I knew what things bring tomorrow
She'd be sitting here beside me
And my heart would ...
I hope to make a change now for the better
Never letting fate control my soul
And I'm hoping that my prayers will see
Day that you'll come back to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Ooh ooh
Yes, I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Thinking now that things won't be the same
And would you like to go with me
And she answered "No" to me but
I guess I learned my lesson much to soon
I never thought she'd leave me here forever
But who knows just what the future brings
And would you like to go with me?
And she answered "No" to me but
I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Take away this never ending sorrow
Take this lonely feeling from my soul
If only I knew what things bring tomorrow
She'd be sitting here beside me
And my heart would ...
I hope to make a change now for the better
Never letting fate control my soul
And I'm hoping that my prayers will see
Day that you'll come back to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Ooh ooh
Yes, I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
We Love you Michael.........
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Michael Jackson Nobody Knows By Robert E. Johnson
Interview with Ebony Magazine (1984) December 1984
The Michael Jackson Nobody Knows By Robert E. Johnson
As the kinetic and magnetic leader of The Jacksons, whose 1984 Victory Tour
attracted the largest concert crowds and sold the most tickets in the history of show
business, Michael Jackson is an extraordinary human being who is beyond category.
Although he has been out front and outstanding for 20 years, the 26-year-old
singer/songwriter/dancer and actor was not recognized as a super-super-star until his
Thriller album became the best-selling LP of all time. Since then, much has been
written about him, but the man behind the superstar is still a mystery and a media
The White media’s Michael Jackson, portrayed mostly through gossip, rumors, hype,
and sometimes slander, is not the Michael I have watched and reported on since he
emerged from the anonymity of the steel town of Gary, Indiana in 1970. That Michael
Jackson - the Michael Jackson nobody knows - is warm, sensitive, vibrant, keenly
aware of the mysteries of life and the wonder and magic of children. Several months
ago he told me that he was tired of the wave of lies in the White press. What he said
then was reflected in the extraordinary and revealing statement he issued at a press
conference through his manager, Frank Dileo:
“For some time now, I have been searching my conscience as to whether or not I
should publicly react to the many falsehoods that have been spread about me. I have
decided to make this statement based on the injustice of these allegations and the far reaching
trauma those who feel close to me are suffering.
“I feel very fortunate to have been blessed with recognition for my efforts. This
recognition also brings with it a responsibility to one’s admirers throughout the world.
Performers should always serve as role models who set an example for young people.
It saddens me that many may actually believe the present flurry of false accusations.”
“To that end, and I do mean END -
“No! I’ve never taken hormones to maintain my high voice.”
“No! I’ve never had my cheekbones altered in any way.”
“No! I’ve never had cosmetic surgery on my eyes.”
“YES!! One day in the future I plan to get married and have a family. Any statements
to the contrary are simply untrue.”
“Henceforth, as new fantasies are printed, I have advised my attorneys of my
willingness to institute legal action and subsequently prosecute all guilty to the fullest
extent of the law.”
“As noted earlier, I love children. We all know that kids are very impressionable and
therefore susceptible to such stories. I’m certain that some have already been hurt by
this terrible slander. In addition to their admiration, I would like to continue to keep
their respect.”
Michael Joseph Jackson, whose middle name is his father’s first, earned respect the
old-fashioned way - the same way he earned the title “The World’s Greatest
His Thriller album has sold over 35 million copies and is still selling. He earns an
estimated $2 from the album’s $5 wholesale price and has pocketed some $70 million
from worldwide sales.
He organized and now heads corporations that handle his business affairs, including
Michael Jackson, Inc., which handles profits from his album and video royalties;
Experiments In Sound, which deals with new techniques in recording; and Optimum
Productions, which produces his music videos and video versions of records of other
The top winner of record and video awards, he received an unprecedented eight
American Music Awards, a record-breaking eight Grammy Awards, and the MTV
Video Award.
Born the fifth of six talented sons of Joseph and Katherine Jackson in Gary, Indiana,
26 years ago (August 29, 1958), he is a positive thinker and a creative artist who is
motivated by a deep concern for all of humankind and an unyielding love for his
profession. His love for fans who have become admirers is, perhaps, without parallel.
Love is what made Michael endure one of the most pressure-filled concert tours of his
career. Even though The Jacksons Victory Tour is expected to gross over $70 million,
he didn’t perform for the love of money. He said he did it for the love of family, fans,
and favorite charities. Although it was projected that his parents, who organized the
tour with boxing impresario Don King, could each earn $5 million and each brother
pocket about $7.5 million, Michael announced that his share of the concert earnings
would go to three worthy causes. They are the United Negro College Fund (UNCF),
Camp Good Times for terminally ill children, and the T.J. Martell Foundation for
Leukemia and Cancer research.
He is also giving earnings from a special album called Let’s Beat It, to charity. He is
doing it, he says, because children inspired him to write the hit single, Beat It,
“Children are my biggest inspiration in anything I do,” Michael told this writer. “I
adore children - crazy about them. I wanted to write a song, the type of rock song that
I would buy….I wanted the kids to really enjoy it, the school kids, as well as the
college kids,” said the sensitive songwriter whose two favorite songs are
Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and Peter and the Wolf.
He spoke of the song, Be Not Always, which he wrote with a little help from his
brother, Marlon. In the sensitive, sentimental song recorded in The Jacksons’ Victory
album, Michael makes a tearful plea to change a world in which “mothers cry, babies
die helplessly in arms…” He observed that all of his brothers feel the same way about
children, “not just me.”
Recalling that the late superstar Josephine Baker, an entertainer he admired, had a
United Nations of children that she had adopted, Michael smiled broadly and said
with assurance:
“I’m going to have children of my own, but I’m going to adopt as many races as I can.
That is what I’m going to do. I love children. Like Emmanuel Lewis (tiny, 12-yearold
star of TV’s Webster series), he’s a real inspiration.”
Nothing, however, inspires the proud performer more than his family and fans. He
talked about this shortly after newspapers circulated reports that he had been spoiled
by the success of his Thriller LP and the proliferation of music awards, which
included EBONY’s American Black Achievement Award.
“Because I have achieved a lot of broken records with Off The Wall [album] and I’ve
been the lead singer for the longest and now with Thriller, which is the all-time best
and everything, I’m not planning on leaving,” he said of a rumor that he plans to leave
the Jacksons after the tour. “They are my brothers [Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon,
and Randy] and I love them all dearly and I think the media begin to look for
something to sell papers and they make up things and they twist them.”
Michael said at the beginning of the tour, “I’m doing it for the joy of touring and the
family as a whole, and for the kids out there who bought the records. I’m a stage
addict. I have to be on the stage.” Once during an interview at his California home,
where he still resides with his parents and sister, LaToya, Michael said, “I would like
you to put this in quotations: ‘My main love for what I do is the admirers. I love the
fans. Like when I’m doing a show and I see the fans out there dancing and screaming,
excited, and we’re bringing that joy to them, that’s what I love most. And it’s just the
greatest feeling in the world. You’re up there and you’re giving them that energy and
that love and they’re just throwing it right back at you. And it’s great. And that’s my
main love, the stage and making those admirers happy.’”
As the interview continues, Michael talks of many subjects that reveal things about
him that have been overlooked in the media’s rush for rumors. Here are some of his
EBONY: You have to cope with a lot of stress and pressure in the entertainment
business. People make all kinds of requests of you and propositions come from
all directions. How do you cope with these stresses and pressures?
MICHAEL: I cope with it in a way and I’m not calling myself Jesus because I would
never even look at myself on the same level, but I’m comparing it to Jesus because
what god gave to him was for a reason and he preached and people came about him
and he didn’t get angry and push them aside and say leave me alone, I ain’t got time.
EBONY: But you must encounter some fans who pressure you and provoke you.
MICHAEL: I do get angry at times because there are those who will come up to you
with the worst attitude and will say to you, ‘Sit down, sign my baby’s paper.’ They’ll
throw it at you. I’ll say, ‘Do you have a pen?’ ‘You don’t have a pen? Well, go get
one.’ That’s what they’ll actually tell me….I’m amazed by some of the people. They
think they own you. And they’ll say to you, ‘Listen, I made you what you are.’ I say,
‘Wait a minute. You didn’t just buy it [album] to help me. You bought it because you
like it and that’s true.’
EBONY: You are looked upon as a role model. You once appeared at the
Chicago Public Library to encourage young people and adults to read, and a
book marker souvenir was distributed with a quotation from you. Do you still
enjoy reading?
MICHAEL: I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There’s a
whole other world in books. If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through
reading. You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading.
EBONY: Have you had a chance to do any reading related to the Black
experience or in terms of Black history?
MICHAEL: Oh, yes! I’m really thankful for what Mr. [John H.] Johnson has done in
bringing books through Johnson Publications….I think it’s good to show we are
contributing to the world in many ways. That’s what a lot of people think - that we
EBONY: How do you keep up with what Black people today are doing, saying,
and thinking? And who are some of the people, other than your family and close
associates, who influence your thinking?
MICHAEL: I love the way [John H.] Johnson runs his organization. Seems like
everybody’s really nice. I’m sure there are quarrels and things, but everybody’s very
nice….and have such an influence on the young. People rule their lives by JET and
EBONY. I mean, they get their information from those two magazines and the young
kids, too. I’ll say, where did you read it? I read it in JET. And they keep up with
what’s happening in JET and EBONY. And I think that’s wonderful…God, I admire
people like Johnson and [Walt] Disney. I think they’re phenomenal.
EBONY: You talk of the influence of books and people in your life. What part
does travel play in shaping your attitudes and outlook on life?
MICHAEL: I think before anybody gets married, they should really travel the world
if they can. It’s the most incredible education I’ve ever had. I think it’s phenomenal. I
mean just to see the different cultures of people, the different faces, to talk to people
and just to learn and see….When I traveled I was amazed. When we first went to
Switzerland, I almost started crying. I really did.
EBONY: What touched you about that trip to bring about that emotional
MICHAEL: The beauty. It’s like, oh, God, it’s crying out in the sky. It’s an
incredible country and it inspires me to see these things - the mountains. The pictures
don’t do justice to Switzerland. Then there’s the Netherlands and France. Gosh,
they’re incredible, too!
EBONY: Obviously, when you travel, you are more than a tourist, you are an
MICHAEL: Well, a lot of people just stay in the cities when they travel. They should
get out and see the real country. Wherever you go, man-made things are man-made,
but you gotta get out and see God’s beauty.
EBONY: In your travels, what were some of the countries that impressed you
MICHAEL: I’m gonna raise my hand on this one. I’ll say this. I always thought that
the Blacks, as far as artistry, were a talented race of people. But when I went to
Africa, I was even more convinced. They did some incredible things over there. [West
African countries, including Senegal]. We went to one place out in the flatlands where
all these Africans sell their crafts and everything. I went to this one hut where this guy
made incredible carvings….He took a piece of wood and a hatchet-like thing and
started chopping and I just sat there amazed. He carved a big face…dipped it in some
water…dried it off and he gave it to me and I paid for it.
EBONY: You seem impressed by African art but what about African music and
MICHAEL: When we came off the plane in [Dakar, Senegal] Africa, we were
greeted by a long line of African dancers. Their drums and sounds filled the air with
rhythm. I was going crazy, I was screaming. I said, ‘All right!’ They got the beat and
they got the rhythm….I just was so glad about the whole thing. This is it, I said. This
is where I come from. The origin….
EBONY: You were obviously impressed by your musical roots, so where do you
think the Africans derived their musical influence?
MICHAEL: Music started with nature. Music is nature. Birds make music. Oceans
make music. Wind makes music. Any natural sound is music. And that’s where it
started….You see, we’re just making a replica of nature, which is the sounds we hear
EBONY: Did your travels have any influence on the way you think about races
of people?
MICHAEL: The main thing that I hate most is ignorance, like the prejudice problems
of America. I know it is worse in some other countries. But I wish I could borrow,
like from Venezuela or Trinidad, the real love of color-blind people and bring it to
EBONY: You are making some observations with intense feelings. Please
MICHAEL: I’m prejudiced against ignorance. That’s what I’m mainly prejudiced
against. It’s only ignorance and it’s taught because it’s not genetic at all. The little
children in those [countries] aren’t prejudiced. I would like for you to put this in
quotes, too. I’m really not a prejudiced person at all. I believe that people should think
about God more and creation….Look at the many wonders inside the human body -
the different colors of organs, colors of blood - and all these different colors do a
different thing in the human body. It’s the most incredible system in the world; it
makes an incredible building, the human being. And if this can happen with the
human body, why can’t we do it as people? And that’s how I feel. And that’s why I
wish the world could do more. That’s the only thing I hate. I really do.
EBONY: What you have just said is not only compassionate but compelling.
How do you communicate such feelings since you don’t make public appearances
to express your views in public forums?
MICHAEL: I try to write, put it in song. Put it in dance. Put it in my art to teach the
world. If politicians can’t do it, I want to do it. We have to do it. Artists, put it in
paintings. Poets, put it in poems, novels. That’s what we have to do. And I think it’s
so important to save the world.
EBONY: Stevie Wonder apparently shares similar feelings, judging by some of
his musical messages.
MICHAEL: That’s why I love Stevie Wonder’s biggest-selling album called Songs
in the Key of Life. He has a song on that album called Black Man….I just jumped up
screaming when I heard that record because he’s showing the world what the Black
man has done and what other races have done, and he balanced it beautifully by
putting other races in there, what they have done. Then he brings out what the Black
Man has done. Instead of naming it another thing, he named it Black Man. That’s
what I loved about it….And that’s the best way to bring about the truth, through song.
And that’s what I love about it.
EBONY: You don’t seem to have any objections to messages in music as long as
the messages are positive. Your music, unlike some artists, stays clear of
messages glorifying drugs. But drugs are a reality. How do you view it?
MICHAEL: In the field I’m in, there is a lot of that and it gets offered to me all the
time. People even go as far as to just…stick it in your pocket and walk off. Now, if it
was a good thing, they wouldn’t do that….I mean, would somebody drop something
beautiful in my pocket and just walk off? But I don’t want to have anything to do with
any of that. I mean, as corny as it sounds, but this is how I really believe: Natural
highs are the greatest highs in the world….Who wants to take something and just sit
around for the rest of the day after you take it [drugs], and don’t know who you are,
what you’re doing, where you are? Take in something that’s gonna inspire you to do
greater things in the world.
EBONY: Do you put God or religion in that process of a natural high?
MICHAEL: Oh, yes, God, really. I believe in the Bible and I try to follow the Bible.
I know I’m an imperfect person….I’m not making myself an angel because I’m not an
angel and I’m not a devil either. I try to be the best I can and I try to do what I think is
right. It’s that simple. And I do believe in God.
EBONY: Do prayers or praying play a role in your life?
MICHAEL: I pray every night. I don’t just pray at night. I pray at different times
during the day. When I see something beautiful, whenever I see beautiful scenery -
like when I’m flying or something -- I say, oh, God, that’s beautiful. And I always say
little prayers like that all through the day. I love beauty.
EBONY: Speaking of beauty, you have been associated in a public way with
many beautiful people, including your beautiful sisters, LaToya, Rebbie, and
Janet, but also Diana Ross, Tatum O’Neal, and Brooke Shields. You have been
linked romantically with the latter two. Someone said you and Tatum had a lot
in common: the parents of both of you are protective - she’s a daddy’s [Ryan
O’Neal] girl and you’re a momma’s [Katherine Jackson] boy.
MICHAEL: I want all those people who read JET and EBONY to just know that
we’re mainly good friends. That’s the main thing. I think for guys, girls make the best
friends. And for girls, guys make the best friends.
EBONY: What is your relationship with Brooke? When did you meet and has
that relationship developed?
MICHAEL: We met at the Academy Awards. She asked me to dance because I was
not going to ask her. You know, I’m really shy and embarrassed. So she says, ‘I got to
dance with you tonight.’ I said, great. So we got together on the dance floor and
danced. They were playing that old-fashioned Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey
music, which wasn’t much of a groove. First, you’ve got all these bald-headed old
people on the floor slow dancing, the Lawrence Welk sound. We really couldn’t get
into it so we got to talking and got to know each other. We switched numbers and had
phone conversations back and forth and we became real good friends.
EBONY: Does this mean that Brooke has replaced Tatum as a special friend?
MICHAEL: Tatum calls me all the time and I hope she reads this interview because
I’m sorry I couldn’t get all of her calls. But she’s still a wonderful friend of mine.
EBONY: Both Tatum and Brooke are fine actresses. You did all right in The
Wiz. What’s in the future for you now in films?
MICHAEL: I’m very excited about a lot of things that I want to do and that I’m
going to do in films and things. I really can’t wait….Since The Wiz, incredible offers
have come to me, things that are still in the making.
EBONY: You once said that you will be careful about choosing your next role so
that you won’t be typecast anymore. You said that since The Wiz, some people
still call you Scarecrow because of that character role you played.
MICHAEL: Whatever role you play, people link it with your personality. But it’s
acting. You’re portraying another person….I wish it wasn’t called acting because I
don’t really like actors. I mean, the word acting.
EBONY: Please elaborate.
MICHAEL: I don’t think acting should be acting. Acting, if you’re acting, you’re
imitating realism. You should create realism. It should be called believing. You see, I
always was against it when I thought about acting. I don’t want to see an actor. I want
so see a believer. I don’t want to see anybody that’s gonna imitate the truths. It’s not
real then. I want to see a person that’s gonna believe the truth….That’s when you
move an audience.
EBONY: What kind of questions do you wish you would be asked but nobody
ever asks you?
MICHAEL: That’s a good question. Probably about children or writing, or what I
just talked about….You don’t make a better world of minds and things when people
put the wrong things in their lyrics and give the wrong views on stage and everything.
It’s just so important and I think this can lead so many people astray, because an artist
can be built up so big in his career that this could change the whole world by what he
does and thinks. They’ll listen to him before the President or any of these big
politicians. You have to be careful. They could change these peoples’ way of life by
what they say and do. That’s why it’s important to give off love vibes and that’s why I
love what I do….When Marvin Gaye put out the album, What’s Going On, so many
Blacks as well as Whites - but mainly Blacks-were educated. ‘Wake up. What’s going
on? Wake up.’ I mean the ones that don’t watch the news, don’t read the papers to
really dig in the depths of humanism. What’s going on? Wake up.
EBONY: There have been some campaigns against so-called dirty lyrics songs by
some popular musical groups. Do you have any views about such groups and
their lyrics?
MICHAEL: Sometimes they go too far. They don’t leave anything for the
imagination. If I just walked out on stage naked, there’s no imagination. I’m not
letting them imagine what I look like without the clothes. But you see, they overdo
it….We got to leave them something to imagine. People go too far at times. I think
it’s important to set the right example because there are so many kids who look up to
As the most productive year of his entertainment career comes to a close and his
talents helped him gross about $100 million, Michael is not content to rest on his
laurels or his loot. He faces a future guided by two observations, both of which he
made: “I’m interested in making a path instead of following a trail and that’s what I
want to do in life - in everything I do,” Michael told this writer in an interview on July
13, 1979.
He made the other observation in his role as Scarecrow in The Wiz, a movie in which
he co-starred with one of his dearest friends - Diana Ross.
In a scene near the end of the film, Michael spoke these words through his Scarecrow
character: “Success, fame, fortune - they are all illusions. All there is that is real is the
friendship that two can share.”
Those are the thoughts of the Michael Jackson nobody knows.
The Michael Jackson Nobody Knows By Robert E. Johnson
As the kinetic and magnetic leader of The Jacksons, whose 1984 Victory Tour
attracted the largest concert crowds and sold the most tickets in the history of show
business, Michael Jackson is an extraordinary human being who is beyond category.
Although he has been out front and outstanding for 20 years, the 26-year-old
singer/songwriter/dancer and actor was not recognized as a super-super-star until his
Thriller album became the best-selling LP of all time. Since then, much has been
written about him, but the man behind the superstar is still a mystery and a media
The White media’s Michael Jackson, portrayed mostly through gossip, rumors, hype,
and sometimes slander, is not the Michael I have watched and reported on since he
emerged from the anonymity of the steel town of Gary, Indiana in 1970. That Michael
Jackson - the Michael Jackson nobody knows - is warm, sensitive, vibrant, keenly
aware of the mysteries of life and the wonder and magic of children. Several months
ago he told me that he was tired of the wave of lies in the White press. What he said
then was reflected in the extraordinary and revealing statement he issued at a press
conference through his manager, Frank Dileo:
“For some time now, I have been searching my conscience as to whether or not I
should publicly react to the many falsehoods that have been spread about me. I have
decided to make this statement based on the injustice of these allegations and the far reaching
trauma those who feel close to me are suffering.
“I feel very fortunate to have been blessed with recognition for my efforts. This
recognition also brings with it a responsibility to one’s admirers throughout the world.
Performers should always serve as role models who set an example for young people.
It saddens me that many may actually believe the present flurry of false accusations.”
“To that end, and I do mean END -
“No! I’ve never taken hormones to maintain my high voice.”
“No! I’ve never had my cheekbones altered in any way.”
“No! I’ve never had cosmetic surgery on my eyes.”
“YES!! One day in the future I plan to get married and have a family. Any statements
to the contrary are simply untrue.”
“Henceforth, as new fantasies are printed, I have advised my attorneys of my
willingness to institute legal action and subsequently prosecute all guilty to the fullest
extent of the law.”
“As noted earlier, I love children. We all know that kids are very impressionable and
therefore susceptible to such stories. I’m certain that some have already been hurt by
this terrible slander. In addition to their admiration, I would like to continue to keep
their respect.”
Michael Joseph Jackson, whose middle name is his father’s first, earned respect the
old-fashioned way - the same way he earned the title “The World’s Greatest
His Thriller album has sold over 35 million copies and is still selling. He earns an
estimated $2 from the album’s $5 wholesale price and has pocketed some $70 million
from worldwide sales.
He organized and now heads corporations that handle his business affairs, including
Michael Jackson, Inc., which handles profits from his album and video royalties;
Experiments In Sound, which deals with new techniques in recording; and Optimum
Productions, which produces his music videos and video versions of records of other
The top winner of record and video awards, he received an unprecedented eight
American Music Awards, a record-breaking eight Grammy Awards, and the MTV
Video Award.
Born the fifth of six talented sons of Joseph and Katherine Jackson in Gary, Indiana,
26 years ago (August 29, 1958), he is a positive thinker and a creative artist who is
motivated by a deep concern for all of humankind and an unyielding love for his
profession. His love for fans who have become admirers is, perhaps, without parallel.
Love is what made Michael endure one of the most pressure-filled concert tours of his
career. Even though The Jacksons Victory Tour is expected to gross over $70 million,
he didn’t perform for the love of money. He said he did it for the love of family, fans,
and favorite charities. Although it was projected that his parents, who organized the
tour with boxing impresario Don King, could each earn $5 million and each brother
pocket about $7.5 million, Michael announced that his share of the concert earnings
would go to three worthy causes. They are the United Negro College Fund (UNCF),
Camp Good Times for terminally ill children, and the T.J. Martell Foundation for
Leukemia and Cancer research.
He is also giving earnings from a special album called Let’s Beat It, to charity. He is
doing it, he says, because children inspired him to write the hit single, Beat It,
“Children are my biggest inspiration in anything I do,” Michael told this writer. “I
adore children - crazy about them. I wanted to write a song, the type of rock song that
I would buy….I wanted the kids to really enjoy it, the school kids, as well as the
college kids,” said the sensitive songwriter whose two favorite songs are
Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and Peter and the Wolf.
He spoke of the song, Be Not Always, which he wrote with a little help from his
brother, Marlon. In the sensitive, sentimental song recorded in The Jacksons’ Victory
album, Michael makes a tearful plea to change a world in which “mothers cry, babies
die helplessly in arms…” He observed that all of his brothers feel the same way about
children, “not just me.”
Recalling that the late superstar Josephine Baker, an entertainer he admired, had a
United Nations of children that she had adopted, Michael smiled broadly and said
with assurance:
“I’m going to have children of my own, but I’m going to adopt as many races as I can.
That is what I’m going to do. I love children. Like Emmanuel Lewis (tiny, 12-yearold
star of TV’s Webster series), he’s a real inspiration.”
Nothing, however, inspires the proud performer more than his family and fans. He
talked about this shortly after newspapers circulated reports that he had been spoiled
by the success of his Thriller LP and the proliferation of music awards, which
included EBONY’s American Black Achievement Award.
“Because I have achieved a lot of broken records with Off The Wall [album] and I’ve
been the lead singer for the longest and now with Thriller, which is the all-time best
and everything, I’m not planning on leaving,” he said of a rumor that he plans to leave
the Jacksons after the tour. “They are my brothers [Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon,
and Randy] and I love them all dearly and I think the media begin to look for
something to sell papers and they make up things and they twist them.”
Michael said at the beginning of the tour, “I’m doing it for the joy of touring and the
family as a whole, and for the kids out there who bought the records. I’m a stage
addict. I have to be on the stage.” Once during an interview at his California home,
where he still resides with his parents and sister, LaToya, Michael said, “I would like
you to put this in quotations: ‘My main love for what I do is the admirers. I love the
fans. Like when I’m doing a show and I see the fans out there dancing and screaming,
excited, and we’re bringing that joy to them, that’s what I love most. And it’s just the
greatest feeling in the world. You’re up there and you’re giving them that energy and
that love and they’re just throwing it right back at you. And it’s great. And that’s my
main love, the stage and making those admirers happy.’”
As the interview continues, Michael talks of many subjects that reveal things about
him that have been overlooked in the media’s rush for rumors. Here are some of his
EBONY: You have to cope with a lot of stress and pressure in the entertainment
business. People make all kinds of requests of you and propositions come from
all directions. How do you cope with these stresses and pressures?
MICHAEL: I cope with it in a way and I’m not calling myself Jesus because I would
never even look at myself on the same level, but I’m comparing it to Jesus because
what god gave to him was for a reason and he preached and people came about him
and he didn’t get angry and push them aside and say leave me alone, I ain’t got time.
EBONY: But you must encounter some fans who pressure you and provoke you.
MICHAEL: I do get angry at times because there are those who will come up to you
with the worst attitude and will say to you, ‘Sit down, sign my baby’s paper.’ They’ll
throw it at you. I’ll say, ‘Do you have a pen?’ ‘You don’t have a pen? Well, go get
one.’ That’s what they’ll actually tell me….I’m amazed by some of the people. They
think they own you. And they’ll say to you, ‘Listen, I made you what you are.’ I say,
‘Wait a minute. You didn’t just buy it [album] to help me. You bought it because you
like it and that’s true.’
EBONY: You are looked upon as a role model. You once appeared at the
Chicago Public Library to encourage young people and adults to read, and a
book marker souvenir was distributed with a quotation from you. Do you still
enjoy reading?
MICHAEL: I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There’s a
whole other world in books. If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through
reading. You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading.
EBONY: Have you had a chance to do any reading related to the Black
experience or in terms of Black history?
MICHAEL: Oh, yes! I’m really thankful for what Mr. [John H.] Johnson has done in
bringing books through Johnson Publications….I think it’s good to show we are
contributing to the world in many ways. That’s what a lot of people think - that we
EBONY: How do you keep up with what Black people today are doing, saying,
and thinking? And who are some of the people, other than your family and close
associates, who influence your thinking?
MICHAEL: I love the way [John H.] Johnson runs his organization. Seems like
everybody’s really nice. I’m sure there are quarrels and things, but everybody’s very
nice….and have such an influence on the young. People rule their lives by JET and
EBONY. I mean, they get their information from those two magazines and the young
kids, too. I’ll say, where did you read it? I read it in JET. And they keep up with
what’s happening in JET and EBONY. And I think that’s wonderful…God, I admire
people like Johnson and [Walt] Disney. I think they’re phenomenal.
EBONY: You talk of the influence of books and people in your life. What part
does travel play in shaping your attitudes and outlook on life?
MICHAEL: I think before anybody gets married, they should really travel the world
if they can. It’s the most incredible education I’ve ever had. I think it’s phenomenal. I
mean just to see the different cultures of people, the different faces, to talk to people
and just to learn and see….When I traveled I was amazed. When we first went to
Switzerland, I almost started crying. I really did.
EBONY: What touched you about that trip to bring about that emotional
MICHAEL: The beauty. It’s like, oh, God, it’s crying out in the sky. It’s an
incredible country and it inspires me to see these things - the mountains. The pictures
don’t do justice to Switzerland. Then there’s the Netherlands and France. Gosh,
they’re incredible, too!
EBONY: Obviously, when you travel, you are more than a tourist, you are an
MICHAEL: Well, a lot of people just stay in the cities when they travel. They should
get out and see the real country. Wherever you go, man-made things are man-made,
but you gotta get out and see God’s beauty.
EBONY: In your travels, what were some of the countries that impressed you
MICHAEL: I’m gonna raise my hand on this one. I’ll say this. I always thought that
the Blacks, as far as artistry, were a talented race of people. But when I went to
Africa, I was even more convinced. They did some incredible things over there. [West
African countries, including Senegal]. We went to one place out in the flatlands where
all these Africans sell their crafts and everything. I went to this one hut where this guy
made incredible carvings….He took a piece of wood and a hatchet-like thing and
started chopping and I just sat there amazed. He carved a big face…dipped it in some
water…dried it off and he gave it to me and I paid for it.
EBONY: You seem impressed by African art but what about African music and
MICHAEL: When we came off the plane in [Dakar, Senegal] Africa, we were
greeted by a long line of African dancers. Their drums and sounds filled the air with
rhythm. I was going crazy, I was screaming. I said, ‘All right!’ They got the beat and
they got the rhythm….I just was so glad about the whole thing. This is it, I said. This
is where I come from. The origin….
EBONY: You were obviously impressed by your musical roots, so where do you
think the Africans derived their musical influence?
MICHAEL: Music started with nature. Music is nature. Birds make music. Oceans
make music. Wind makes music. Any natural sound is music. And that’s where it
started….You see, we’re just making a replica of nature, which is the sounds we hear
EBONY: Did your travels have any influence on the way you think about races
of people?
MICHAEL: The main thing that I hate most is ignorance, like the prejudice problems
of America. I know it is worse in some other countries. But I wish I could borrow,
like from Venezuela or Trinidad, the real love of color-blind people and bring it to
EBONY: You are making some observations with intense feelings. Please
MICHAEL: I’m prejudiced against ignorance. That’s what I’m mainly prejudiced
against. It’s only ignorance and it’s taught because it’s not genetic at all. The little
children in those [countries] aren’t prejudiced. I would like for you to put this in
quotes, too. I’m really not a prejudiced person at all. I believe that people should think
about God more and creation….Look at the many wonders inside the human body -
the different colors of organs, colors of blood - and all these different colors do a
different thing in the human body. It’s the most incredible system in the world; it
makes an incredible building, the human being. And if this can happen with the
human body, why can’t we do it as people? And that’s how I feel. And that’s why I
wish the world could do more. That’s the only thing I hate. I really do.
EBONY: What you have just said is not only compassionate but compelling.
How do you communicate such feelings since you don’t make public appearances
to express your views in public forums?
MICHAEL: I try to write, put it in song. Put it in dance. Put it in my art to teach the
world. If politicians can’t do it, I want to do it. We have to do it. Artists, put it in
paintings. Poets, put it in poems, novels. That’s what we have to do. And I think it’s
so important to save the world.
EBONY: Stevie Wonder apparently shares similar feelings, judging by some of
his musical messages.
MICHAEL: That’s why I love Stevie Wonder’s biggest-selling album called Songs
in the Key of Life. He has a song on that album called Black Man….I just jumped up
screaming when I heard that record because he’s showing the world what the Black
man has done and what other races have done, and he balanced it beautifully by
putting other races in there, what they have done. Then he brings out what the Black
Man has done. Instead of naming it another thing, he named it Black Man. That’s
what I loved about it….And that’s the best way to bring about the truth, through song.
And that’s what I love about it.
EBONY: You don’t seem to have any objections to messages in music as long as
the messages are positive. Your music, unlike some artists, stays clear of
messages glorifying drugs. But drugs are a reality. How do you view it?
MICHAEL: In the field I’m in, there is a lot of that and it gets offered to me all the
time. People even go as far as to just…stick it in your pocket and walk off. Now, if it
was a good thing, they wouldn’t do that….I mean, would somebody drop something
beautiful in my pocket and just walk off? But I don’t want to have anything to do with
any of that. I mean, as corny as it sounds, but this is how I really believe: Natural
highs are the greatest highs in the world….Who wants to take something and just sit
around for the rest of the day after you take it [drugs], and don’t know who you are,
what you’re doing, where you are? Take in something that’s gonna inspire you to do
greater things in the world.
EBONY: Do you put God or religion in that process of a natural high?
MICHAEL: Oh, yes, God, really. I believe in the Bible and I try to follow the Bible.
I know I’m an imperfect person….I’m not making myself an angel because I’m not an
angel and I’m not a devil either. I try to be the best I can and I try to do what I think is
right. It’s that simple. And I do believe in God.
EBONY: Do prayers or praying play a role in your life?
MICHAEL: I pray every night. I don’t just pray at night. I pray at different times
during the day. When I see something beautiful, whenever I see beautiful scenery -
like when I’m flying or something -- I say, oh, God, that’s beautiful. And I always say
little prayers like that all through the day. I love beauty.
EBONY: Speaking of beauty, you have been associated in a public way with
many beautiful people, including your beautiful sisters, LaToya, Rebbie, and
Janet, but also Diana Ross, Tatum O’Neal, and Brooke Shields. You have been
linked romantically with the latter two. Someone said you and Tatum had a lot
in common: the parents of both of you are protective - she’s a daddy’s [Ryan
O’Neal] girl and you’re a momma’s [Katherine Jackson] boy.
MICHAEL: I want all those people who read JET and EBONY to just know that
we’re mainly good friends. That’s the main thing. I think for guys, girls make the best
friends. And for girls, guys make the best friends.
EBONY: What is your relationship with Brooke? When did you meet and has
that relationship developed?
MICHAEL: We met at the Academy Awards. She asked me to dance because I was
not going to ask her. You know, I’m really shy and embarrassed. So she says, ‘I got to
dance with you tonight.’ I said, great. So we got together on the dance floor and
danced. They were playing that old-fashioned Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey
music, which wasn’t much of a groove. First, you’ve got all these bald-headed old
people on the floor slow dancing, the Lawrence Welk sound. We really couldn’t get
into it so we got to talking and got to know each other. We switched numbers and had
phone conversations back and forth and we became real good friends.
EBONY: Does this mean that Brooke has replaced Tatum as a special friend?
MICHAEL: Tatum calls me all the time and I hope she reads this interview because
I’m sorry I couldn’t get all of her calls. But she’s still a wonderful friend of mine.
EBONY: Both Tatum and Brooke are fine actresses. You did all right in The
Wiz. What’s in the future for you now in films?
MICHAEL: I’m very excited about a lot of things that I want to do and that I’m
going to do in films and things. I really can’t wait….Since The Wiz, incredible offers
have come to me, things that are still in the making.
EBONY: You once said that you will be careful about choosing your next role so
that you won’t be typecast anymore. You said that since The Wiz, some people
still call you Scarecrow because of that character role you played.
MICHAEL: Whatever role you play, people link it with your personality. But it’s
acting. You’re portraying another person….I wish it wasn’t called acting because I
don’t really like actors. I mean, the word acting.
EBONY: Please elaborate.
MICHAEL: I don’t think acting should be acting. Acting, if you’re acting, you’re
imitating realism. You should create realism. It should be called believing. You see, I
always was against it when I thought about acting. I don’t want to see an actor. I want
so see a believer. I don’t want to see anybody that’s gonna imitate the truths. It’s not
real then. I want to see a person that’s gonna believe the truth….That’s when you
move an audience.
EBONY: What kind of questions do you wish you would be asked but nobody
ever asks you?
MICHAEL: That’s a good question. Probably about children or writing, or what I
just talked about….You don’t make a better world of minds and things when people
put the wrong things in their lyrics and give the wrong views on stage and everything.
It’s just so important and I think this can lead so many people astray, because an artist
can be built up so big in his career that this could change the whole world by what he
does and thinks. They’ll listen to him before the President or any of these big
politicians. You have to be careful. They could change these peoples’ way of life by
what they say and do. That’s why it’s important to give off love vibes and that’s why I
love what I do….When Marvin Gaye put out the album, What’s Going On, so many
Blacks as well as Whites - but mainly Blacks-were educated. ‘Wake up. What’s going
on? Wake up.’ I mean the ones that don’t watch the news, don’t read the papers to
really dig in the depths of humanism. What’s going on? Wake up.
EBONY: There have been some campaigns against so-called dirty lyrics songs by
some popular musical groups. Do you have any views about such groups and
their lyrics?
MICHAEL: Sometimes they go too far. They don’t leave anything for the
imagination. If I just walked out on stage naked, there’s no imagination. I’m not
letting them imagine what I look like without the clothes. But you see, they overdo
it….We got to leave them something to imagine. People go too far at times. I think
it’s important to set the right example because there are so many kids who look up to
As the most productive year of his entertainment career comes to a close and his
talents helped him gross about $100 million, Michael is not content to rest on his
laurels or his loot. He faces a future guided by two observations, both of which he
made: “I’m interested in making a path instead of following a trail and that’s what I
want to do in life - in everything I do,” Michael told this writer in an interview on July
13, 1979.
He made the other observation in his role as Scarecrow in The Wiz, a movie in which
he co-starred with one of his dearest friends - Diana Ross.
In a scene near the end of the film, Michael spoke these words through his Scarecrow
character: “Success, fame, fortune - they are all illusions. All there is that is real is the
friendship that two can share.”
Those are the thoughts of the Michael Jackson nobody knows.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Michael Jackson Interview with TV Guide Magazine (2001)
Interview with TV Guide Magazine (2001) By Mary Murphy and Jennifer Graham
Michael Jackson tries to reclaim his throne as the King of Pop When you have been in
show business 35 years — when you been a legend in show business for much of that
time — you know how to make an entrance. At least Michael Jackson does.
The King of Pop doesn't simply arrive anywhere, and his appearance in a lush room at
the pricey Beverly Hills Hotel is no exception. He is two hours late. He is preceded by
his bodyguard, whose security check includes peeks behind curtains and into closets
and bathrooms. Then the guard dims the lights. When the door finally swings open, it
is not Jackson but two small children who bolt into the room: Prince, 4, whose dark
hair is bleached blond, and Paris, 3, whose brown curls tumble to her shoulders.
Finally, their father arrives.
With his children playing on the floor by his feet, he talks about his life, politely and
with an amazing sense of poise and self-possession. He is a man at times indignant
about the press but able to laugh at himself, which may be the most surprising thing
about Michael Jackson. At one point, he doubles over giggling at the thought of how
at concerts women have fainted in his presence.
And yet he is apprehensive. At 43, Jackson is at a crossroads in his career, urgently
trying to transform himself from '80s icon to a player in the current pop scene. His
first step in a climb back to the top were the two recent concerts at Madison Square
Garden, his first public performances in America in 12 years. They have been edited
into a two-hour television special titled Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary
Celebration, airing Tuesday, November 13 (CBS, 9 pm/ET). He is anxiously awaiting
reaction to his latest album, Invincible (at press time, its first single, "You Rock My
World," had reached No. 10 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, while the video has been an
MTV staple). In addition, he has written and is producing a "We Are the World"-type
song called "What More Can I Give"; its proceeds will benefit victims of the
September 11 attacks. And he will make a cameo appearance in next summer's film
sequel Men in Black 2.
In the end, it was Michael Jackson the father, a man deeply connected to his children
and his own childhood, who left the most lasting impression.
TV GUIDE: This television special celebrates your long career. Do you remember
the first time you ever stepped onstage?
MICHAEL JACKSON: I was 5 years old. And it was at a public-school recital. We
had to wear white shirts and short knickers. And I remember them saying, "Little
Michael Jackson is coming up to sing 'Climb Every Mountain.'" I got the biggest
applause. When I went to my seat my grandfather and mother were crying. They said,
"[We] can't believe how beautiful you sound." That's the first one I remember.
TVG: It's rare for you to do a TV special.
MJ: I've turned down so many because I just don't like to go on television. I get
embarrassed. So I'll do a performance, but I won't watch it until almost a year or two
later because I'm always disappointed in something I did.
TVG: The concerts that were filmed for this special were packed with big stars. That
couldn't have been disappointing.
MJ: The [second] show was good. [The first show] was horrible because, technically,
there were a lot of breakdowns and intermissions in between each act. It was very
difficult. The audience was waiting and waiting and waiting.
TVG: What does it feel like when you're dancing onstage?
MJ: I am a slave to the rhythm. I am a palette. I just go with the moment. You've got
to do it that way because if you're thinking, you're dead. Performing is not about
thinking; it's about feeling.
TVG: Do you plan the dance steps?
MJ: Certain steps are set with my brothers. But when I'm alone, it's all improvised.
Nothing is planned, ever. All the dance schools now teach kids to count, and that's
completely wrong.
TVG: What do you think about current pop groups like 'N Sync? Are they imitating
MJ: I think they're very good singers. I know them very well, and we hang out every
once in a while and laugh and play. I have no problem with them imitating [me]. It's a
compliment. Everybody has to start out looking up to someone. For me it was James
Brown, Sammy Davis Jr., Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly.
TVG: The special features an appearance by Marlon Brando. How did he get
MJ: Brando's a good friend of mine. I've known him for about 20 years. He comes to
my house all the time. He loves to play with the kids. I play with his grandchildren,
and we love to watch movies.
TVG: Who else do you spend time with?
MJ: Elizabeth [Taylor], Brando, Gregory Peck, these are very close friends of mine.
Either they're much older than me or much younger. I've never had real contact with a
person on my age level. I think this happened because all my life I played clubs, since
I was 5 years old. I saw people drunk, fighting, and it was just disgusting. When
people say to me today,
"Hey, let's go to a club," I go, "No way." If I go, it's not a party for me — too many
autographs and photographs.
TVG: Was that true at your post concert party at [the] Tavern on the Green
MJ: It was worse then — I couldn't breathe because everybody [was crowding
TVG: And you fainted?
MJ: That's a rumor. It was sensationalism. [The press] made it up. As usual. They
love doing that to me.
TVG: What did happen?
MJ: Nothing. I didn't faint. Not even close. [The press has] done this for so long, and
it's disgusting. [Gently, to Paris, who is skipping around the coffee table] Paris, you
can't make noise. You can't — no, don't bump the table. [The reporters are] tape
TVG: Liza Minnelli also sang at one of the concerts. You two seem very close.
MJ: I speak to Liza every week. We come from the same planet. Like Elizabeth does.
TVG: What planet is that?
MJ: It's called Capricious Anomaly in the Sea of Space [laughs]. Gee, I can't name it.
Just beyond our solar system, I think. But this is true, and this is not to be taken
lightly: People who grew up as child stars have the same thing in common. You're
cute, they love you; you go through the awkward stage, they don't accept you
anymore. Very few make the transition to adult star. And most of them become selfdestructive.
And it's very sad.
TVG: How did you avoid self-destruction?
MJ: I think religion entered in.
TVG: Are you still a Jehovah's Witness?
MJ: Yeah. I've done, you know, we call it pioneering. We do 90 hours a month. I
don't do as much now because I'm busy. You go door to door. I wear a fat suit, popbottle
glasses, mustache, buckteeth and, like, an Afro wig. And I knock on the door
and say we're Jehovah's Witnesses.
TVG: This special is in conjunction with the launch of your seventh solo album,
Invincible. Is this your comeback?
MJ: I don't see it as a comeback. I only do an album every four years. It's just that
I've been on hiatus, writing.
TVG: The album features rap stars Will Smith and Jay-Z. It's hard to imagine you
working with Jay-Z, whose image is a bit rougher than yours.
MJ: [He] was just so sweet. And you hear these crazy stories about something [some
of these rappers] did the next day, and it's hard to believe. I always see them to be
very kind. Perfect gentlemen.
TVG: What's the message of "Unbreakable," the first song on the album?
MJ: That [I'm] invincible, that I've been through it all. You can't hurt me. Knock me
down, I get back up. [To Prince, who begins to bang his Snapple lemonade on the
coffee table] See the noise you're making? You've got to be nice and quiet.
TVG: You are known for being eccentric. Did growing up in the limelight have
something to do with that?
MJ: [Smiling coyly] It depends on what kind of eccentricities you're talking about.
TVG: People call you Wacko Jacko.
MJ: But that's not nice. They do that because they're jealous. I haven't done anything.
I go to hospitals and orphanages. And we take huge bags of toys. I spend thousands of
dollars. What's wacko about that?
TVG: Because of the way you are portrayed in the press, people wonder, "Is he
MJ: [Exasperated] I did Oprah. I did Diane Sawyer. [People] saw me. [The press] is
just completely jealous. And it's just one of those things that I have to deal with.
TVG: How do you deal with it?
MJ: I turn it into positive energy. And I write about it, I dance about; it's in my
movement, it's in the expression on my face. And it becomes a part of me, part of my
creation. And I try not to let it get to me. Because if you do, you'll go crazy.
TVG: Your first video, for the single "You Rock My World," is actually a 15-minute
short film. How did you come up with its gangster theme?
MJ: I don't know — the idea just kind of happened. In Cuba. Hot summer night. A
club run by these hoods. I just wish [MTV] would show the long version. The short
version I don't like at all. It's not entertaining enough.
TVG: How much are you involved in the video-making process?
MJ: When you say Michael Jackson, people always think of an entertainer. They
don't think of the fact that I write songs. I'm not trying to brag, but I write them, and I
direct a lot of [the videos]. I don't think [younger artists] are aware of those things,
which I think would be inspiring for them.
TVG: When you were making this video, did you think, "I want this to be as good as
the one for Thriller"?
MJ: No, because I know I didn't have the time to execute that. There are ones that are
coming up that will be better.
TVG: Do you let your kids watch MTV?
MJ: At a certain age I will, not now. They are going to have to be 15 or 16.
TVG: Do you watch TV?
MJ: I love PBS, the Discovery Channel, The Simpsons. I love Sesame Street. I could
watch it for hours. But my favorite show is Malcolm in the Middle. It reminds me so
much of [my brothers and me] when we were little.
TVG: Which character do you relate to?
MJ: Malcolm. Mainly because he tries to fit into society, and he doesn't — like E.T.
or Bambi, he can't adjust to other people's concepts. And I feel like that a lot of times.
Once I'm offstage, I feel awkward, like this is not where I'm supposed to be.
Michael Jackson tries to reclaim his throne as the King of Pop When you have been in
show business 35 years — when you been a legend in show business for much of that
time — you know how to make an entrance. At least Michael Jackson does.
The King of Pop doesn't simply arrive anywhere, and his appearance in a lush room at
the pricey Beverly Hills Hotel is no exception. He is two hours late. He is preceded by
his bodyguard, whose security check includes peeks behind curtains and into closets
and bathrooms. Then the guard dims the lights. When the door finally swings open, it
is not Jackson but two small children who bolt into the room: Prince, 4, whose dark
hair is bleached blond, and Paris, 3, whose brown curls tumble to her shoulders.
Finally, their father arrives.
His image is ubiquitous — his sculpted face and doe eyes peer at us from supermarket stands seemingly daily — and yet unique. He's slight, wearing a blue military shirt
and his trademark short black pants and white socks. And then there is his nose. His famous nose, which, on this day, is covered by gray bandages.
"It is analgesic tape," he says, quietly but good-naturedly. "For allergies."and his trademark short black pants and white socks. And then there is his nose. His famous nose, which, on this day, is covered by gray bandages.
With his children playing on the floor by his feet, he talks about his life, politely and
with an amazing sense of poise and self-possession. He is a man at times indignant
about the press but able to laugh at himself, which may be the most surprising thing
about Michael Jackson. At one point, he doubles over giggling at the thought of how
at concerts women have fainted in his presence.
And yet he is apprehensive. At 43, Jackson is at a crossroads in his career, urgently
trying to transform himself from '80s icon to a player in the current pop scene. His
first step in a climb back to the top were the two recent concerts at Madison Square
Garden, his first public performances in America in 12 years. They have been edited
into a two-hour television special titled Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary
Celebration, airing Tuesday, November 13 (CBS, 9 pm/ET). He is anxiously awaiting
reaction to his latest album, Invincible (at press time, its first single, "You Rock My
World," had reached No. 10 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, while the video has been an
MTV staple). In addition, he has written and is producing a "We Are the World"-type
song called "What More Can I Give"; its proceeds will benefit victims of the
September 11 attacks. And he will make a cameo appearance in next summer's film
sequel Men in Black 2.
In the end, it was Michael Jackson the father, a man deeply connected to his children
and his own childhood, who left the most lasting impression.
TV GUIDE: This television special celebrates your long career. Do you remember
the first time you ever stepped onstage?
MICHAEL JACKSON: I was 5 years old. And it was at a public-school recital. We
had to wear white shirts and short knickers. And I remember them saying, "Little
Michael Jackson is coming up to sing 'Climb Every Mountain.'" I got the biggest
applause. When I went to my seat my grandfather and mother were crying. They said,
"[We] can't believe how beautiful you sound." That's the first one I remember.
TVG: It's rare for you to do a TV special.
MJ: I've turned down so many because I just don't like to go on television. I get
embarrassed. So I'll do a performance, but I won't watch it until almost a year or two
later because I'm always disappointed in something I did.
TVG: The concerts that were filmed for this special were packed with big stars. That
couldn't have been disappointing.
MJ: The [second] show was good. [The first show] was horrible because, technically,
there were a lot of breakdowns and intermissions in between each act. It was very
difficult. The audience was waiting and waiting and waiting.
TVG: What does it feel like when you're dancing onstage?
MJ: I am a slave to the rhythm. I am a palette. I just go with the moment. You've got
to do it that way because if you're thinking, you're dead. Performing is not about
thinking; it's about feeling.
TVG: Do you plan the dance steps?
MJ: Certain steps are set with my brothers. But when I'm alone, it's all improvised.
Nothing is planned, ever. All the dance schools now teach kids to count, and that's
completely wrong.
TVG: What do you think about current pop groups like 'N Sync? Are they imitating
MJ: I think they're very good singers. I know them very well, and we hang out every
once in a while and laugh and play. I have no problem with them imitating [me]. It's a
compliment. Everybody has to start out looking up to someone. For me it was James
Brown, Sammy Davis Jr., Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly.
TVG: The special features an appearance by Marlon Brando. How did he get
MJ: Brando's a good friend of mine. I've known him for about 20 years. He comes to
my house all the time. He loves to play with the kids. I play with his grandchildren,
and we love to watch movies.
TVG: Who else do you spend time with?
MJ: Elizabeth [Taylor], Brando, Gregory Peck, these are very close friends of mine.
Either they're much older than me or much younger. I've never had real contact with a
person on my age level. I think this happened because all my life I played clubs, since
I was 5 years old. I saw people drunk, fighting, and it was just disgusting. When
people say to me today,
"Hey, let's go to a club," I go, "No way." If I go, it's not a party for me — too many
autographs and photographs.
TVG: Was that true at your post concert party at [the] Tavern on the Green
MJ: It was worse then — I couldn't breathe because everybody [was crowding
TVG: And you fainted?
MJ: That's a rumor. It was sensationalism. [The press] made it up. As usual. They
love doing that to me.
TVG: What did happen?
MJ: Nothing. I didn't faint. Not even close. [The press has] done this for so long, and
it's disgusting. [Gently, to Paris, who is skipping around the coffee table] Paris, you
can't make noise. You can't — no, don't bump the table. [The reporters are] tape
TVG: Liza Minnelli also sang at one of the concerts. You two seem very close.
MJ: I speak to Liza every week. We come from the same planet. Like Elizabeth does.
TVG: What planet is that?
MJ: It's called Capricious Anomaly in the Sea of Space [laughs]. Gee, I can't name it.
Just beyond our solar system, I think. But this is true, and this is not to be taken
lightly: People who grew up as child stars have the same thing in common. You're
cute, they love you; you go through the awkward stage, they don't accept you
anymore. Very few make the transition to adult star. And most of them become selfdestructive.
And it's very sad.
TVG: How did you avoid self-destruction?
MJ: I think religion entered in.
TVG: Are you still a Jehovah's Witness?
MJ: Yeah. I've done, you know, we call it pioneering. We do 90 hours a month. I
don't do as much now because I'm busy. You go door to door. I wear a fat suit, popbottle
glasses, mustache, buckteeth and, like, an Afro wig. And I knock on the door
and say we're Jehovah's Witnesses.
TVG: This special is in conjunction with the launch of your seventh solo album,
Invincible. Is this your comeback?
MJ: I don't see it as a comeback. I only do an album every four years. It's just that
I've been on hiatus, writing.
TVG: The album features rap stars Will Smith and Jay-Z. It's hard to imagine you
working with Jay-Z, whose image is a bit rougher than yours.
MJ: [He] was just so sweet. And you hear these crazy stories about something [some
of these rappers] did the next day, and it's hard to believe. I always see them to be
very kind. Perfect gentlemen.
TVG: What's the message of "Unbreakable," the first song on the album?
MJ: That [I'm] invincible, that I've been through it all. You can't hurt me. Knock me
down, I get back up. [To Prince, who begins to bang his Snapple lemonade on the
coffee table] See the noise you're making? You've got to be nice and quiet.
TVG: You are known for being eccentric. Did growing up in the limelight have
something to do with that?
MJ: [Smiling coyly] It depends on what kind of eccentricities you're talking about.
TVG: People call you Wacko Jacko.
MJ: But that's not nice. They do that because they're jealous. I haven't done anything.
I go to hospitals and orphanages. And we take huge bags of toys. I spend thousands of
dollars. What's wacko about that?
TVG: Because of the way you are portrayed in the press, people wonder, "Is he
MJ: [Exasperated] I did Oprah. I did Diane Sawyer. [People] saw me. [The press] is
just completely jealous. And it's just one of those things that I have to deal with.
TVG: How do you deal with it?
MJ: I turn it into positive energy. And I write about it, I dance about; it's in my
movement, it's in the expression on my face. And it becomes a part of me, part of my
creation. And I try not to let it get to me. Because if you do, you'll go crazy.
TVG: Your first video, for the single "You Rock My World," is actually a 15-minute
short film. How did you come up with its gangster theme?
MJ: I don't know — the idea just kind of happened. In Cuba. Hot summer night. A
club run by these hoods. I just wish [MTV] would show the long version. The short
version I don't like at all. It's not entertaining enough.
TVG: How much are you involved in the video-making process?
MJ: When you say Michael Jackson, people always think of an entertainer. They
don't think of the fact that I write songs. I'm not trying to brag, but I write them, and I
direct a lot of [the videos]. I don't think [younger artists] are aware of those things,
which I think would be inspiring for them.
TVG: When you were making this video, did you think, "I want this to be as good as
the one for Thriller"?
MJ: No, because I know I didn't have the time to execute that. There are ones that are
coming up that will be better.
TVG: Do you let your kids watch MTV?
MJ: At a certain age I will, not now. They are going to have to be 15 or 16.
TVG: Do you watch TV?
MJ: I love PBS, the Discovery Channel, The Simpsons. I love Sesame Street. I could
watch it for hours. But my favorite show is Malcolm in the Middle. It reminds me so
much of [my brothers and me] when we were little.
TVG: Which character do you relate to?
MJ: Malcolm. Mainly because he tries to fit into society, and he doesn't — like E.T.
or Bambi, he can't adjust to other people's concepts. And I feel like that a lot of times.
Once I'm offstage, I feel awkward, like this is not where I'm supposed to be.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Michael Jackson Keep The Faith
When I feel down I like to listen to keep the faith.
Thanks Michael for the gift of Hope and faith . We Love you
Thanks Michael for the gift of Hope and faith . We Love you
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Today the 2nd year anniversary since Michael laid to rest . Gone too soon
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