Sunday, July 31, 2011

Michael Jackson speech Feb-14-2001

Michael Jackson speech Feb-14-2001

sadly sadly we living in a state of fear. Every day we hear a war on a radio, and television , in the news papers always of war. we hear Nations hurting each other neighbors hurting each other families hurting each other and children killing each other . We must learn to live and love each other before its to late .
We have to stop we have to stop the predigest , we have to stop the hating ,
we have to stop living in fear of our own neighbors . I would like to all of you now to take the hand of a person to your left and right dont be shy DO IT . Because it starts now .

Now tell the person next to you that you care for them , tell them that you love them . This is what makes difference .
Together we can make a change to the world .
Together we can help stop racism .
Together we can help stop predigest .
We can help the world live with out fear . Its our only hope ,with out hope we are Lost .
Thank You all I am very proud to be here .I love you
This is the sign of Hope
Children of the world I Love you God bless you

Michael Jackson

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