Monday, July 25, 2011


Do you know stars /angles / walking on Earth here with us to bring Heaven to Earth ?

 I am writing from my own experience.

When it’s dark we can see the stars big and small bright and beautiful all over the Heavens.
The stars are made in the forth day means one day in The Most high is 1000 years so in the 4th thousand year.

Genesis 1

14And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

The Sun, the Moon and all the stars we see are angles of the most high. They also have grades from the Highest to the lower. The Highest star is Christ him self. Those stars are  made of pure LOVE and LIGHT.  Some of them volunteer to come to earth  to bring  Love and Light to  planet earth. This is one of the secrets of nature most of Humans unaware of.   They are a people who are selfless and put some one else needs before their own.  they called soul mates and Twin Flame angles.

At the end time The Most High reviel this to His Creation.

 Daniel 12:3-4
3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.


Soul mates are the type of angles who made with individual souls. When they decide to explore planet Earth for uncounted times /hundred thousands life times/. I don't mean every human being can re- incarnated over and over . Re- Incarnation dose not exist at all.But  the angles coming back to Earth for service as much as they needed.  soul mates /angles/  can find each other like family member’s friends even  husband and wives.  They get along with every body and they have a true nature of Love and kindness. Life is easier for them than the Twin-Flame angles. Because they are individual and they can be with one of their thousands soul mates.  When they are around each other they make a beautiful family and healthy relation- ship.


Twin-Flames are one individual soul split in half male and female. they made from pure light split into half.  They are one being separated to two bodies. Twin flame angles are very rare and few and have very difficult life than the soul mate angles. They have very painful experience to be separate from the other half of their soul. They are very kind people and very selfless .Even though they live in different continents they still have one mind and they communicate through telepathy and dream state.

The master of Twin flames is the male and he is aware of every thing in the past and always guides the female the weaker soul. The female doesn't know and confused until the master / male / reach out for her. she has a deep feeling and very confuse life most of her life time. The Twin Flames make a contract before they come to the Planet Earth. again the female don't remember until its time.  when its time and find each other they melt into each other and live happy life. Some of them very few you can count them with one hand decide not to come together until they finish their services. I call this Twins very carriages soul.Because they have very painful life than the other stars.  But most of them plan to come together as a family .  Twin Flames can have many soul mates but they can only be with their half soul. Because with out each other they are not whole. That is why when they come together  they cant separate from one anther,  they belong to each other they are one and the same . Twin-flame angles have same appearance like eyes , height, hair color,,and ethnicity /DNA/, they look alike  as they are physical family.

If Twin flames decide not to come together the master soul guide the living soul even after he left the planet earth . some of twins  very rare join the body of the living. When the twins joined in one’s body they have a never ending joy.  And this unity happened to a very rare and few only because that is what they plan.   Their union is so divine and connected to The Most High. When they are together they bring so much Love to the world. 

So angles are all over the planet to help humanity to Love, and live in peace. Michael and his companion / unidentified/  is one of the one soul angles walking down the Earth many times to make the world a better place . To experience this is the most tough choice and  isn't easy . specially to separate from your half being to be a service to others  in the planet. That is what Michael done to just make this  world  better . You can listen to his music the answer is in there. We must learn to what he had to endure to just do his work perfectly he ridiculed by people of the world. Michael Jackson came with a large of soul group that is why we feel his pain we dream about him he is a master and guide his soul group even after life. we are all making sure his message reach to all .  we know why He was here and we are here and fight for him and other bright stars who lighted this world with Love.

 Many more still walking in this planet and uniting with each other for the last time of service, because soon the Heavenly Kingdom will come and they don’t have to experience any more painful separation from their family of LOVE.   Christ will bring Heaven to Earth His kingdom is everlasting.  No more war, prejudice, racism.  Only pure LOVE.

So please pay attention and learn from those angles volunteering to let us have a better world and life.  

Are You Listening?

Written by Michael Jackson

Who am I?
Who are you?
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?
What's it all about?
Do you have the answers?
Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?
This body of mine
Is a flux of energy
In the river of time
Eons pass, ages come and go
I appear and disappear
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
I am the particle
I am the wave
Whirling at lightning speed
That takes the lead
I am the Prince
I am the Knave
I am the doing
I am the fluctuation

That is the deed
I am the galaxy, the void of space
In the Milky Way
I am the craze
I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm
I am the phenomenon, the field, the form
I am the desert, the ocean, the sky
I am the Primeval Self
In you and I
Pure unbounded consciousness
Truth, existence, Bliss am I
In infinite expressions I come and go
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
But immortality's my game
Eons pass
Deep inside
I remain
Ever the same
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
Join me in my dance
Please join me now
If you forget yourself
You'll never know how
This game is played
In the ocean bed of Eternity
Stop this agony of wishing
Play it out
Don't think, don't hesitate
Curving back within yourself
Just create...just create
Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I'm sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?

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